Confused? Stressed? Low Energy?
Clarify and Renew with Do’Hai™ Facilitation (Our brochure in article form.)

July 15th 2011 - No matter how intelligent and capable we are, everyone needs support to awaken, heal, and grow. Relationship conflicts, family obligations, job stress, and money worries can drain our energy and distract us from the abundant joy of our True Selves.

It’s now apparent that a life of meaning and purpose significantly enhances our state of mind, body, and emotions. Cultivating self-affirming, proactive intentions accelerate our progress.

Humanity is at a powerful point in our evolution. The old systems no longer work to solve problems, bring true healing, or create change. They can’t answer the questions now emerging within us. Something Within knows there’s a Greater Truth, a Higher Ideal.

Physical conditions, even disharmonious circumstances, indicate spiritual conflicts; they are not about the physical alone. We are whole beings: body, mind, heart and soul. This new stage of evolution requires support that meets our needs on all levels.

Fortunately . . .

Help is Available

Do’Hai™ Facilitation amplifies awareness of your True Self and Path. With each session, Who You Are and why you’re here becomes clearer. Deeper states of joy and peace are experienced. Greater physical health is a natural part of this process.

Do’Hai nurtures your whole being. Immersed in this uplifting, Love-based Presence, impediments dissolve, allowing your Higher Truth to gracefully manifest. And that’s just the beginning!

What is Do’Hai™ Facilitation?

Do’Hai means “Attunement to Source.” It is a deeply effective healing art and ancient system of spiritual development brought to humanity by the Ascended Do’Hai Masters through Jaraan Onai.

Do’Hai facilitates the reunion and balance of mind/Heart, body/Soul, Masculine/Feminine, and self/Source according to one’s Divine Design. It helps one connect directly to the Pure, Loving Presence of Source where “negate-ive” conditions don’t exist. Conditions are then gracefully transformed as needed for the recipient to fulfill their life purpose. For example: Stress dissolves, old energy dissipates, realizations occur, consciousness expands, intuition is heightened, Inner Guidance becomes more accessible. Do’Hai supports comprehensive transformation.

You need not know the specific cause of a condition or difficulty to benefit. Source already knows the cause and the solution. Do’Hai helps you connect directly with the transformative power and wisdom of Source.

Do’Hai also helps the recipient to find and maintain their spiritual center, upon which ideal life conditions are based. The more centered and attuned to Source one is, the more balanced and harmonious life naturally becomes.

In addition, Do’Hai works with one’s consciousness to amplify inner spiritual power. Specific intentions, like greater peace, abundance, health, etc., are able to manifest more quickly and effortlessly than when you “go it alone.”

Practical and efficient, Do’Hai is especially helpful for those who want to feel enlivened while also fulfilling their life purpose and advancing their Soul’s evolution.

Each authorized Do’Hai Facilitator is trained and certified by the founders, Jaraan Onai, DD, PhD & Somra Spirit, LMBT. To confirm or find a facilitator in your area, call: 828-348-0283

A Sacred Experience
Do’Hai™ Facilitation is a sacred experience that honors your path and respects your needs.
Sessions are facilitated in person or at a distance as general support or to address specific intentions. Because Do’Hai works at deep levels of consciousness, allow at least 7 days between sessions. This gives adequate time for changes to become firmly established.

You will be asked to choose a specific intention. When considering your intention, a good question to ask is, “What do I most want to feel?” or “What do I prefer instead of what I now experience?”
Depending upon your needs and the Facilitator, guided visualizations, breath meditations, essential oils, crystals, toning, bells, drums, and other facilitation tools may also be incorporated to enhance your experience.

(Not a substitute for any medical or psychological treatment nor intended as a cure for any disease. Consult the healthcare professional of your choice for serious conditions.)

Because you care, you may devote tremendous energy to serving the needs of others, even to the point of exhaustion. Tension, irritability, and mental sluggishness can indicate that your out of sync with your true path and purpose. Your needs are important too. To progress as you were meant to – in joy – you must care for yourself on a regular basis.

When it’s time to re-center, a Do’Hai Facilitation is an excellent step toward reclaiming your life. Get just the boost you need to get out of the slump and over the hump and on with the joy of living.
You deserve to live in abundant fulfillment! Contact us now to experience the difference Do’Hai can make in your life!

Somra Spirit, LMBT
NC# 1852
Offices in Asheville & Waynesville

Jaraan Onai
Cofounders, Do’Hai Teachers/Facilitators

Copyright 2006, All Rights Reserved

Contact Member:
Soul Gate Mission

Asheville Area, NC 28715
United States