The Spirit Baby Alphabet
As a former Public School teacher, I chose a whimsical method of explaining the gist of Spirit Baby communication with future Moms by using the letters of the alphabet.

January 08th 2021 - The Spirit Baby Alphabet
Many people want to know what are some similarities between Spirit Babies.
Of course they are as different as the children in a classroom... but still , there are many common denominators. As a long-term elementary teacher, I would like to present my Alphabet of Spirit Babies.
Aware of every thought and feeling which their mom has , long before conception, as they are always in her aura.
Brothers and sisters...Spirit Babies are very aware of other children already in the family. If their older siblings are under the age of 7, the older siblings may be aware of the baby’s energy.
Children ...although spirit babies take on the persona of young children (usually when speaking with their mom), they are also capable of accessing the knowledge of previous lifetimes which resides in the higher self, which does not incarnate fully.
Daddy...they are all aware of who their father is. They have strong opinions about their daddy needing to be good to their mommy!
Ecologically aware...Very frequently they express concerns about the state of the planet they will be living on, and hope that their parents will do their bit to make the environment healthy for them.
Forgiveness...If mom has had a previous termination, they are generally very forgiving and happy to return.
Grandparents... If grandparents have passed, they are often in the mother’s aura encouraging the Spirit Baby.
Home...They often ask if their home can be near unspoiled Nature.
Indigo... Some of them are Indigo children, or Rainbow , Crystal or Star children...all new souls who have come to help humanity evolve.
Just in time...for as many of them say, we need to all work to save our home planet in the age of the Anthropocene (human activity is determining climate change , extinction of animals, extreme weather events etc..)
Knowledge: They realize that they are coming to this world to learn from physical experience.
Love: They frequently express love for their mom, dad, and siblings.
Mother: Almost all Spirit Babies choose their mother, while some choose the couple and some the father.
New experiences/Nature: They very frequently express a love of Nature. All look forward to new experiences, and have often chosen their parents for the experiences they can offer.
Old souls: Many, but not all, have lived many lives before.
Past lives: Some have shared past lives with their parents.
Questions: They are happy to answer any questions you may have for them.
Ready: It is very important to them that you are ready for the responsibility of parenting them.
Spiritual journey: Many state that they needed their parents to go on a spiritual journey. Often miscarriage or difficulty getting pregnant is part of that journey.
Trust: Unconditional love and trust are mentioned as important to having a successful pregnancy.
Understanding that they are already aware even before conception is very important.
Violet is the color of the third eye chakra, which you will learn to open as you learn to communicate with your children.
Wise: They sometimes appear as little children and sometimes as wise elders .
eXcited to come? You bet!
You are the most important person to them, Mom!
Zoology: Most of them love animals, and some ask for a small pet to love.
Christine Nightingale,
I have helped over 600 couples communicate with their Spirit Babies.

Contact Member:
Nightingale Natural Healing
72 Newbridge Crescent
Brampton, Ontario L6S 4B3
This is a chapter from my book, Spirit Baby Two,based on working with over 600 future moms on communicating with their Spirit babies (future children.)Spirit Baby and Spirit Baby Two are available from Amazon.