The Power of Numbers w/Brother Francis E. Revels-Bey
Jamil Middleton - the host of ARK TALK BUILD with his Guest Numerologist - Brother Francis E. Revels-Bey

August 23rd 2020 - Thursday night August 20th, 2020 Jamil Middleton featured Brother Francis E. Revels-Bey on his weekly Zoom platform - ARK TALK BUILD.

Brother Francis mentioned his 4 books on Amazon:
"Dancing in the Light of Divine Grace"
"The Wisdom Of Ahkenaten As I AM"
"The Gift - The Wisdom Of Nefertiti As I AM"
"The Age Of Remembrance - The Divine I AM Presence in Selenite"

Click on this link to see Jamil and Brother Francis chat as they both speak on Brother Francis' favorite topic numerology with "The Power of Numbers"...

Contact Member:
Brother Francis E. Revels - Bey

United States